17 Tips on How to Ask for a Raise that Actually Work!

Do you want to ask for a raise? You’ve been working hard, and it’s time to get paid what you deserve. But how do you go about asking your boss for a raise? It can be intimidating, but don’t worry, we have the answer.
When is the best time of year to ask for a raise? How should I dress when I meet with my boss? What should I say during our meeting? We will answer all these questions and more!
This guide will help make your request for salary adjustment as successful as possible so that you can start living comfortably again.
When should you ask for a raise?
There is no “right time” to ask for a raise, but if you’re thinking about it, think about it now. If your employer knows you are looking around and that you may leave the company soon, they probably won’t give you a raise. So keep your plans (or lack thereof) close to the vest.
You have to see the raise as a way for your company to pay you a fair salary. A raise is not a favor or gift. It's just paying the fair market value of your work and keeping you around because otherwise, you're going to want to find another job that does compensate well enough.
You have to learn about the trend for your job title and where you live so that you can understand how much of a role geography plays in determining what's worth.
Within 6 months of receiving your last raise or promotion is the perfect time to ask for another one. This will signify that you were just a little underpaid (which is acceptable.) And it’ll also show your dedication to the company because you haven’t left since getting that desired salary!
Why should I ask for a raise?
- You’ve just done your job exceptionally well. Boom – you did it!
- They ask you to take new responsibilities.
- Your boss recently praised you for your work. Now is as good a time as any to ask for that raise! Everyone loves being told how great they are, so let them know by asking for a raise after they’ve seen your amazing performance.
- You’ve been working there for quite some time and you don’t feel you’re being paid enough anymore, or that your job title doesn’t match your actual position. Don’t wait for a promotion: ask to be promoted!
- You want to move up the ranks or get a new job, but you won’t be able to get your dream position if you don’t ask for more money. If the company has already committed to hiring someone, you should consider getting a pay increase as well in order to stay on board.
- Personal reasons like your family is growing, and you need more money to provide for them.
- Your financial situation has changed and you need more money to support your lifestyle. For example, if you were recently married or had a child, now would be the best time to ask for a raise – before things get worse (like an expensive car accident or having your house catch fire on a holiday).
- You have more job responsibilities.
- You perform your duties well and are an asset to the company.
- You’ve been working on a new project that you were really excited about, and it’s finished now. This could be either something that was assigned to you by your boss or something that you decided to work on for free (i.e., you did it in your spare time). Ask for a pay raise to reward yourself for your hard work!
- You’re doing the same job that others in your company and are getting paid more for. This is called “comparable worth,” and it can be really powerful if you use it right. Who doesn’t want to get paid what they deserve?
Tips on how to ask for a raise

Here are some tips on how to ask for a raise effectively.
1. Be confident (but not cocky)
The first step in asking for a raise is to be prepared. Most people go into the meeting unprepared and end up getting turned down, so make sure you know exactly what you’re going to say ahead of time.
You must ask confidently – don’t be shy or nervous, and don’t apologize. Instead, be direct and to the point – this will show your boss that you are serious about getting a raise.
2. Plan out what you’re going to say ahead of time
It would be best if you had a solid foundation for the request and realistic expectations. Conduct background research on your market value before you take any salary negotiation.
Also, study local salary trends for professionals with similar job titles, qualifications, and responsibilities.
Write down exactly what you want during the meeting. This way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything important or getting nervous and forgetting your lines.
For example, asking for a raise is much less stressful if you know exactly what you want to say beforehand.
Plan out a script of what you’re going to say ahead of time and practice it until you have it down. For example, if you want to ask for a raise, be ready and practice. Your request should then get carefully consideration.
3. Don’t wait too long before asking for a raise
You should ask for a raise as soon as possible after your performance review, if possible. This will show your boss that you’re not asking just because the company is doing well. You deserve your raise, and you want it now!
Ask as early as possible after receiving a performance review.
4. Go into the meeting with confidence
Don’t apologize or be apologetic. If your boss says something like, “I’m sorry, but we can’t right now,” don’t apologize.
Just keep being confident and say that you would like to talk about it later or why they think that way. Then, they will see your confident attitude as a good thing instead of an excuse for not getting what you want.
5. Get to the point.
Make your request for a raise clear and direct in the first sentence of your meeting so that there is no confusion about what you are asking for.
This will help keep the conversation focused on exactly what you want out of the meeting instead of getting distracted by other issues or going off on a tangent.
Get to the point and state exactly what you want in the first sentence of your meeting.
During your negotiation, you should show them the salary range you found and tell them about your accomplishments. Make sure to mention that this is "our" company with common goals for success together.
6. Talk about your contributions to the company
Don’t just say how much you deserve it. Instead, focus on all the different ways you have helped benefit the company.
Don’t just say that you want more money because you deserve it. Instead, tell them all of the things you have done to help your company succeed.
For example, “I am helping make sure that our products are selling well in New York.”
Talk about how much value you’ve added to the company. You can also try having a workmate sit in and give honest feedback. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much of an improvement it can make!
7. Be ready to give a generous counter-offer
Don’t accept their first offer. Always be prepared to negotiate and ask for more than you expect or want to help your case. Be ready with a reasonable counteroffer if they say “no, we can’t do that” immediately.
Make sure you are asking for more than you think they will give you.
8. Be prepared for criticism
Your boss can be defensive at times, as this is a personal issue for them, and it could affect the company’s profits if they have to pay out raises to many people (even if it’s a small amount). They might try to attack what you do or say, so be prepared for this and have a good defense ready.
If they criticize you, remember to stay calm and don’t get defensive. Remember that the whole point of asking for a raise is to help the company continue to thrive.
So rather than getting worked up about any criticism they make, talk about why you deserve a raise.
9. Don’t just ask for money – ask for something else, too
If you are worried that your boss will say no or they might not like the idea of giving raises to many people at once, throw in some other perks and benefits that you want as well.
For example, you could ask for a higher salary, some vacation time, or a larger office and more frequent meetings with your boss.
Be ready to negotiate if they are offering something less than what you want.
10. Understand that this is business
Even if you can’t convince them, don’t get upset. You might not get the raise you are asking for right away, but don’t get upset or feel defeated.
It is business, and you want to make sure that your company can keep making money while also keeping you happy with adequate compensation.
So continue going to work hard every day like usual and try again in 6 months or a year if you still believe you deserve more.
Your company will appreciate that you are working hard to help them make money even if the raise isn’t exactly what you wanted.
You might not always get everything you want, but keep trying.
11. Never beg for a raise!
Don’t be emotional when asking about getting a raise. There is nothing that says “need” like being desperate and emotionally upset.
Don’t beg or plead. If they say no, you can try again in 6 months or a year, so don’t get upset about not getting one right now.
Please, don’t act desperate when asking for a raise; it makes you look needy.
12. Be grateful for whatever they offer you
If you do get a raise, be appreciative and gracious, even if it isn’t what you wanted or expected. Be happy that your boss is willing to help you out and reward your hard work.
This will strengthen the relationship between the two of you and make asking for a raise again in the future more likely.
13. Keep calm and carry on
Whatever happens, go to work like normal, like you are expecting it to be your last day at the office.
Keep your mind off asking for a raise by focusing on other things. Keep practicing yoga or going hiking if that is what you enjoy doing, work on your side business, or read a good book.
This will help you relax and not get too excited about asking for a raise or too upset if it doesn’t go well.
14. Don’t feel sorry for yourself
If they say no, be happy that you tried and move on. You can always ask again in 6 months or a year, so don’t get too down if it doesn’t work right away.
But, if they say no to your counteroffer, be happy with what you got and go on with your day – keep doing what you do best and trust that the universe will take care of you in time.
If they say yes, be excited! Be grateful and let them know how happy you are. This will help keep your boss happy. Focus on the fact that you got what you wanted, not on what you didn’t get or could have asked for.
Tell other people about it, too – there is nothing wrong with a little bragging, and this will help you feel positive about your raise.
15. Give back
If you got a raise, consider giving something to the company like sponsoring an event or donating some money to charity on the boss’s behalf as a way of saying thanks for helping you out.
This gesture shows that you care about both the company and the boss so that they will appreciate your concern.
16. Keep in mind that you are always worth more
Don’t be afraid to ask for a raise when it is time or negotiate more whenever something major happens. Say, if your boss is promoted, or you hit a big sales goal, or if one of your friends gets a raise at another company.
Keep practicing asking for a raise, and you will feel more comfortable with it over time – the more often you ask, the better your boss will get to know what is fair for you, and they will be more likely to give you what you want.
17. Have fun!
Asking for a raise is a fun part of working and being independent – you are learning that you can ask for what you want at work and be happy with it, so take pride in yourself.
No matter what happens on the surface level, the most important thing is that you are feeling good about yourself. So enjoy asking for a raise whenever it is the time!
If you want to ask for a raise, there's no need to feel sorry for yourself. Asking your boss while they're in the right mood and when it suits them is key.
When your boss tells you that it is not the right time for a salary increase, ask them to consider professional development opportunities or more vacation time.
It will take time if you don't get an immediate yes but remember that asking more often means getting higher chances of success!
The most important thing is feeling good about yourself, so have fun with this process and enjoy how much power you can wield in the workplace by being independent!