How to stimulate beard growth naturally, 11 Tips you need to know

Nowadays, the beard is a trend, and for me, it was a dream to have a thick and luxuriant beard. But for many men, it’s not easy to obtain, either due to genetic factors or not having healthy habits.
After researching thoroughly, this is what I have learned:
Without the right nutrients, the body begins to decrease hair production, so we must increase daily intake of vitamin B6, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and other vitamins. Also, exercises that increase testosterone levels, such as swimming or weight training, should be practiced for stimulating beard growth.
Next, I will teach methods that have helped me grow a well-presented beard. Then, I will show you which foods you should consume to increase testosterone levels so that facial hair grows, and you will find out which medical treatments stimulate your beard’s growth.
What is the beard?
The beard or facial hair is the set of hair that grows from the beginning of the neck to the ears covering the jaw, neck, cheeks, and men’s upper lip. In humans, only males, after reaching puberty or adulthood, are capable of developing facial hair.
Why isn’t my beard growing?
Men who cannot grow a beard or have irregular beards often have abnormal testosterone levels. Having little or no facial hair is usually a reflection of low testosterone or a deficiency of this vital hormone for men.
There are also prevalent factors that prevent or reduce the growth of beards, such as:
- Lack of sleep.
- Deficient feeding or poor diet.
- Times of stress.
- Lack of beard hygiene.
How can I stimulate facial hair growth naturally?

There are many ways to grow a beard faster naturally. I will give you the best beard growth tips and show you the most effective ones.
Exercise regularly
To increase testosterone levels, practice physical activity as regularly as possible. When we increase our testosterone levels, it makes the beard grow denser and faster.
A study by Drs. AG Messenger, RL Glaser, and C Dimitrakakis for The British Journal of Dermatology concluded that increasing testosterone levels even boosted hair growth in women!
Perform 2 to 3 strength training sessions per week, approximately 30 to 60 minutes per session.
Do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, of moderate intensity, weekly. By moderate intensity, I mean your heart rate increases to 50% – 70% of your maximum heart rate, and your breathing becomes heavier.
You can also walk at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. This helps to stimulate testosterone production and fat burning. It will encourage healthy hair growth.
Practice sex
Good news! – Sex play increases testosterone; after sex, hormone levels rise, causing extra stimulation of beard hairs and will help beard growth.
Take care of your face and beard.
Your genetic profile will influence how fast your beard grows. We all know that shaving frequently before the beard starts to grow stimulates the hair follicles. That makes it grow faster and when the beard starts appearing more intensely, let it grow.
- To stimulate the hair follicles, wash your face twice a day by moistening it with warm water.
- Then rinse with clean, cold water.
- Dry your face with small touches with a soft towel.
If your beard has not yet started to grow, apply a gentle facial cleanser by massaging it into the facial hair.
When you wash your face regularly, it helps remove dirt and grease from the hair follicles, and they grow more quickly.
You can also stimulate the hair follicles by massaging your face twice a day by pressing it with your fingertips.
Then rub the whole area in small circles where the beard grows. Do this for 10 minutes twice a day.
Exfoliate your face once a week
Do you want a thicker beard? You need exfoliation. To exfoliate, use gentle exfoliants over the entire face with a massage.
Then rinse thoroughly with clean water, drying it with small touches. That helps remove dead skin cells that prevent hair follicles from growing.
Stimulate beard growth with oils or softeners
When your beard has been stimulated with oils and softeners, it will remain soft and hydrated, and growth will be accelerated a little more. However, be careful if you have acne because the application of these oils could make outbreaks worse.
If possible, choose beard products that contain eucalyptus. There is some evidence that this oil stimulates hair growth.
Some other essential oils are coconut and jojoba, which give your skin back their elasticity and nutrients lost throughout the day. Rosemary oil is great because it stimulates blood circulation in the face, promoting beard growth.
Brush your beard

When the beard starts to grow, wait 3 or 4 weeks while the skin begins to get used to the beard. It is usually at this point when it gets to a volume where it is possible to start to brush.
You should use a specific brush made of wild boar spikes since this material is seborrheic. This will also allow you to regulate the level of fat on the skin.
By brushing, you train each hair, and the repetition will make you choose the direction you want the hair to go and not just shoot anywhere.
Moisturize your skin regularly.
The ideal way for facial hair to grow soft and healthy is to ensure adequate hydration of the facial skin, including underneath the beard. When you feel your beard is dry and lacks moisture, use balms or oils. Besides giving it a great look, it provides the beard with an enticing smell.
The right way to hydrate it is from the root of the follicle so that the hair is born healthy and, at the same time, hydrating the skin.
Sleep at least 7 hours
When you sleep for fewer than 5 hours a night, testosterone levels decrease by 15%, so I recommend making sure you get a full night’s rest, around 7 to 8 hours a day.
Limit your stress level
If you have a lot of stress from work or studying, cortisol levels increase, causing testosterone levels to drop and beard growth to slow down.
According to a study by C. F. Sharpley, J. R. McFarlane, and A. Slominski, increasing cortisol levels in the body can limit hair growth and even cause head hair loss.
To reduce stress, exercise, maintain good eating habits and practice meditation.
Reducing stress is always a great idea. Some of the best techniques in my experience include yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, listening to quiet music, walking in nature, or even talking with friends.
Eat a healthy diet
By eating a balanced diet, you contribute to your beard’s health as you will take in a significant amount of nutrients. You have to consume lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Also, reduce your consumption of processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats, such as saturated and trans fats, often found in processed foods. Improving your diet will lead to many benefits, not only for your beard but also for your body and mind.
To hydrate your body and the hair follicles in your beard, make sure you consume lots of water.
Avoid smoking
The nicotine in tobacco negatively influences beard growth because it does not allow the hair’s proteins to work correctly. As a consequence, the cuticle will dry out, and the hair becomes more fragile.
Foods that help beard growth
What foods can we consume to accelerate beard growth? One of the main causes of scarce beard hair growth is hormonal, due to a lack of testosterone or an excess of estrogens.
To regulate our hormonal levels and encourage hair growth, I recommend eating green leafy vegetables like cabbage and lettuce and endive. You should also include nuts, eggs, avocado, and garlic in your diet.
Foods with biotin
Another great tip is to include products with biotin in your diet. Vitamins that contain biotin are commonly known as Vitamins B7, B8, and H. You can incorporate these vitamins into your diet through vitamin supplements or through foods that contain them (egg yolk, meat, beer, milk).
I do not recommend eating raw egg-white to absorb biotin because the raw egg-white bind with the stomach's biotin, reducing its absorption.
Nuts are also a great source of biotin (B7, vitamin B3, and B5), and it is also found in chicken, fish, beef, dairy, and avocado. In addition, you can find Vitamin B9 in cereals, nuts, and leafy vegetables.
Eating these foods will help stimulate your hair growth. If you consume a good amount of these vitamins, it will help your facial hair develop thicker and longer.
You have to increase your consumption of vitamins A, C, and E. These vitamins and vitamin B contribute to healthy hair. Foods rich in vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables. To get your daily quota of vitamin C, eat foods such as green peppers, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Vitamin E is found in beans, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
Home remedies to stimulate beard growth
Tomato mask
Believe it or not, tomatoes are food with powerful nutrients that help your beard! To apply a tomato mask to your beard, you can easily make your own the following way:
- Choose several ripe tomatoes and mash them well without removing the seeds. You can do this with a blender or a mixer.
- Then apply this juice over the beard, trying to cover the whole area.
- Gently massage the beard and let it work for half an hour.
- Rinse with plenty of warm water.
Castor oil
Castor oil will help your beard grow more robust and abundant. In addition, this oil prevents skin injuries that can affect hair growth; its omega-3 fatty acids help strengthen and repair the beard.
- Apply the castor oil at night, massaging it into the pores in a circular motion to cover the entire surface.
- Then rinse with fresh water.
- Perform this massage in the morning.
Mamey bone oil
Mamey bone is high in vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals; therefore, it has nutritional and moisturizing effects.
- For this oil to make your beard hair grow, apply it at night to clean and dry skin.
- Clean it in the morning with plenty of soap and water.
- Other oils with the same effect as mamey oil are jojoba oil, eucalyptus oil, grape seed oil, and almond oil.
Rosemary lotions
Rosemary is a plant that has antiseptic and medicinal properties, which helps beard hair grow faster and more robust. You can make different preparations with rosemary to achieve this goal and apply it as a mask.
Rosemary and honey:
- Make an infusion of rosemary, cinnamon, garlic clove, a spoonful of olive oil, and add some honey into a pot.
- Take this mixture and warm it on a stove to make an infusion.
- When it cools down, apply it and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- To activate blood circulation, you can add onion.
Rosemary and coconut oil:
- To make this preparation, mix a little coconut oil with fresh rosemary or rosemary essential oil.
- When it is well mixed, massage it into your beard, leaving it to act for 20 minutes before rinsing.
Lemon and cinnamon

As you know, lemon is a potent ancestral remedy for hair growth, thanks to its alpha-hydroxy acids.
Lemon and cinnamon lotion.
It is best to mix the juice of a lemon with a teaspoon of cinnamon, and then it is applied with circular movements on the beard with a brush.
Lemon and cinnamon paste:
You will need one spoonful of lemon juice and one spoonful of ground cinnamon.
- In a container or bowl, mix the freshly squeezed lemon juice with the spoonful of ground cinnamon until it forms a paste.
- Apply it to the beard, forming a thin layer.
- Please leave it to work for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Then rinse it and use your usual face cleanser. Use this paste 1 or 2 times a day.
Mustard and Amla dry leaves paste.
- Three spoonfuls of dry mustard leaves.
- 60 ML of Amla.
- Mix the mustard leaves with the Amla until forming a light paste.
- Apply it in a thin layer on the beard, leaving it to act for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Wash the face with the cleanser you usually use.
- Refrigerate the paste that remains and use it 2 or 3 times daily.
Brewer’s yeast
Brewer’s yeast is a supplement used for beard growth because it contains many nutrients that help support healthy and robust growth.
Yeast contains:
- Biotin.
- Niacin.
- Thiamine.
- Pantothenic acid.
- Pyridoxine.
- Folic acid.
- Riboflavin and other B-complex vitamins.
These properties help to improve blood circulation and encourage your hair follicles to grow strong.
Medical options for beard growth
Another option is to find a doctor to advise you on your testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. Keeping these hormones under medical supervision can increase your beard growth because DHT levels affect beard hair density, and testosterone affects beard thickness.
It is recommended that you increase your testosterone levels naturally. Do not use pills, creams, injections, and other products that increase these levels because there may be bad side effects.
Minoxidil (Rogaine)
Dermatologists use minoxidil a lot to stop the progress of male baldness, and it also stimulates beard growth when used correctly on the face.
A study conducted by Drs. P. Suchonwanit, S. Thammarucha, and Kanchana Leerunyakul concluded that minoxidil provides remarkable benefits to patients with hair disorders.
That can be a good treatment option in areas where beards do not grow. However, if you stop using the minoxidil application when your beard hair grows, the hair may disappear again.
Micro-needle rollers
This treatment consists of applying a device with micro-needles to the face. Drs. R. Dhurat, MS Sukesh, G. Avhad, A. Dandale, A. Pal, and P. Pund conducted an in-depth study to conclude that its effects might be similar to those of minoxidil.
In appearance, it is very similar to a lint roller. It has hundreds of small micro-needle stitches. These micro-needles produce a few small punctures in the face that stimulate the hair follicles and help the hair grow.
Facial Hair Transplant
A facial hair transplant is another option for those places where the beard doesn’t grow or is patchy.
- In this method, the hair follicles are transplanted from one area to another. The transplant can be, for example, from the back of the neck to the cheek.
- This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. A sedative is also usually administered orally so that the intervention is entirely painless.
- The follicles are transplanted in the same direction as the patient’s hair to achieve a more natural appearance.
- Sun exposure should be avoided for the first few days.
- The patient should also wait to perform the first shave for at least three months.
Do beard growth oils work?
There are lots of claims that beard oils, which typically contain a mix of essential oils such as ylang-ylang oil may help support or promote hair growth.
Oil has not been scientifically proven to grow beards, but there is anecdotal evidence suggesting some types of essential oils in the blends used for these products might have an effect on enhancing hair growth and supporting healthy beards.
Beard oil is a highly important product that helps to maintain the health of your face. It should be applied when you are clean and dry, typically before bedtime in order to keep both skin and facial hair healthy.
Regular use will help avoid some common problems with long-term beard care such as greasy pores or tangled hairs which become unmanageable after time goes on.
Oils to increase facial hair growth
Do you want to boost beard growth and improve the hair growth cycle? Ethereal oils are a type of fragrance that is intensely aromatic.
They contain several chemical substances which give the characteristic aroma to flowers, trees, and fruits as well as certain extracts from animal origin like musk or civet.
Unlike fat-based fragrances, they don't become rancid because they're not very dense but volatile by nature instead (they evaporate quickly.)
Aromatic chemicals tend to oxidize on exposure to air so ethereal oil must be mixed with alcohol before it can last long enough for people's enjoyment in their homes without being stale
Essential oil or Ethereal Oil is an intense scent produced through natural means such as plants biosynthesizing them into large molecules called compounds.
Do you want to grow a beard and bring your best look? Essential oils can help!
Now I'm going to give you the low-down on essential oils that will make growing hair in all those hard places easier than ever before.
Ylang-Ylang oil
One of the most popular oils for hair, Ylang-Ylang is a fragrant plant native to Southeast Asia. The leaves are used as herbal medicine and can be found in many cosmetics such as shampoos or lotions.
This oil nourishes your scalp while stimulating blood flow by dilating capillaries near your follicles - this will help prevent thinning hair!
One of the most well-known types of essential oil that come from plants all over the world, Ylang-Ylang has been shown to have promising benefits on various parts of our body including nails, skin, and even moods due to its calming properties when applied topically.
You may recognize its sweet scent because it often adds depth to perfumes like Chanel.
Lemon oil
Lemon oil is extracted by distillation from the rind or pulp of lemon. It has toning and astringent properties which can increase beard growth, and soothe skin irritation, like burns, bites, inflammation, etc.
Thyme Oil
Thyme oil, which is often used in cooking due to its pungent flavor and aroma, can also be an asset for your hair. Its extract has been shown to encourage the growth of the hair follicle with subsequent re-growth following periods of loss or thinning.
It not only combats dandruff but prevents them from flaking by inhibiting yeast that may have caused it as well while eliminating bacteria on skin pores without harming healthy microbiota found there!
This crude plant extract helps regenerate the scalp's cells responsible for producing hairs so you'll see a healthier head of locks soon enough - even if they were previously shedding out at alarming rates. The thymonolactone present in this ingredient makes it possible.
Lavender oil
Lavender oil has been used for centuries as an effective way to treat hair loss, itching skin, and dandruff. Its extract aids in preventing bacteria from entering the scalp which can lead to those annoying side effects of a flaky scalp or itchy head!
Lavender is one of the oldest remedies that people have turned to when looking for something that will help with their dry, irritated scalps or their thickened locks.
However, this popular essential oil does more than just provide relief! In fact, lavender not only helps heal these conditions but also prevents them by inhibiting bacterial growth on your scalp thanks to its antiseptic properties making sure you don't end up with some problem like issues caused by DANDRUFF !!!
Tocopherol oil
Tocopherol or Vitamin E acts primarily as an antioxidant by neutralizing the damage caused by free radicals. It also promotes beard growth.
Green tea oil
Green tea oil is one of the most versatile oils on earth. It not only makes your skin tone more vibrant but also has anti-aging properties that will keep your dermis looking youthful for a long time to come!
The antioxidant action helps remove unwanted fat and wastes from our bodies while simultaneously making sure we have enough antioxidants in us at all times to ward off other diseases such as heart disease or cancer.
Rosehip oil
Rosehip oil is a regenerator and nourisher that provides luster, brightness to our skin and hair.
The rose-scented extracted from the fruit of the Rose plant (Rosa Rubiginosa) has been used for centuries as an ingredient in beauty products such as soaps or shampoos because it helps with acne prevention.
Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil is a natural beauty essential that can be used to maintain the health and shine of hair, skin, nails, and more.
This non-greasy plant extract helps increase flexibility in multiple types of tissue while providing needed moisture.
Ancient incense was first introduced in Africa, and frankincense oil is extracted by distilling the resin exuded from its stems.
Its protective qualities make it a perfect skincare product for sensitive types who are looking to protect their delicate hands or faces with this natural beauty secret!
Rosemary oil
Rosmarinus Officinalis has long been known for its ability to invigorate and revitalize hair. This essential oil can be used in the form of a scalp massage or diluted in carrier oils such as coconut or jojoba oil mixed with lavender extract on your fingertips before massaging into your temples and scalp. It's even better if you do this after taking a warm bath!
Pine oil
Pine oil extracted from the leaves of pine trees helps to tone both skin and facial hair follicles. This is due in part because it's a natural re-fattening, which results in less breakage for fine or thinning strands.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a fantastic moisturizer, with high levels of vitamins and minerals. Moisturizing the skin can also help you avoid dryness caused by harsh weather conditions, such as cold winter months or hot summer days. If used often enough coconut oil will reduce beard itch and provide your hair with an extra shine!
Patchouli oil
Patchouli oil is a wonderfully versatile ingredient that can be used in conjunction with other oils and extracts to create an elegant, refreshing fragrance.
For example, combining Patchouli Oil with Lemongrass Extract produces the perfect scent for any occasion.
Patchouli Oil has many benefits which make it a well-loved beauty staple of mine: It helps produce healthy skin by reducing inflammation
Its astringent properties help maintain hair health by balancing out excess sebum production after washing, and relieves stress due to its relaxing qualities from being inhaled or applied topically!
Cypress oil
Cypress oil, which has an output tone of voice that is formal and helps promotes hair growth, and will make facial hair grow faster. It also helps to prevent hair loss through its tonic properties.
Olive oil
Olive oil is extracted from olives by pressing, and it has exceptional qualities as a nourishing agent for the skin.
It moisturizes dry patches of skin that can't be fixed with just lotion or soap because not only does olive oil have natural emollients to lock in moisture on your pores but also contains essential fatty acids which are needed for cell growth to keep you healthy.
Olive oil regenerates damaged cells so wounds heal faster and protect against free radicals caused by environmental factors like sun exposure that break down collagen fibers within our body's tissue.
The key ingredient found inside both popular brands of extra virgin organic coconut oils is lauric acid; making up 50% - 65%. Lauric Acid helps promote human health through its antimicrobial properties.
Cedar tree oil
The cedar tree is part of the cypress family and can be found in many climates. The leaves, bark, and wood are used to make oil that has a variety of uses including regulating sebaceous glands as well as healing skin conditions like psoriasis.
Mirra oil
The oleoresin of the Mirra plant is an oily resin that's exuded by trees and shrubs from the genus Commiphora.
Among its chief characteristics, we can mention protection, astringency, revitalization, and regenerative properties for hair follicles.
Cardamom oil
Cardamom essential oil is an ancient spice with a complex aroma. It can be extracted by distilling its seeds and has been traditionally used in India for centuries to aid digestive health as well.
It provides other benefits such as stimulating androgenic hair growth, improving blood circulation, boosting the immune system, and even helping control diabetes symptoms.
To help you achieve your goals of faster beard growth, remember to take care of your body since your health is correlated with your beard’s growth. You should also do exercises that help increase testosterone levels, reduce stress, and eat in a healthy, balanced way. These factors will encourage the growth of your facial hair.
Follow these directions, clean and massage your beard, change habits that are harmful to your health, and be patient and persistent.
With every treatment or remedy, your beard will grow. Genetics also plays a fundamental role in its growth. To better understand this, observe the beard that your relatives have, and you will know to have an idea how yours will be.