How can I become the bad boy every girl wants? 9 Tips

How can I become a bad boy? That is a typical question that more than a few of us ask. Unfortunately, due to most movies—and even in everyday life—we have developed thoughts that girls always want a bad boy.
The truth is that this is not reality. Some women indeed like some evil, mystery, and mischief. However, that doesn't mean that we can say they are looking for a bad boy, meaning someone who will mistreat them or hurt them. When you are in a relationship, you must be very careful. But then, how can I be a bad boy? Next, I will explain how:
To be a bad boy, you must speak your mind without compromise, and you must be brave, confident, assertive, and dominant. By acting this way, everyone will respect you and your personality. As a result, a bad boy is a magnet for women because no one dares to mess with him; everyone respects him.
It would be best if you learned how to be the that bad boy that girls like. It's not that hard. You only have to learn a few things; bad boy status isn't as complicated as it may seem. That's why I decided to do this article, and I will give you much-needed tips.
The first thing I will do is explain the differences between a bad boy and a good boy; here they are:
What is a bad boy?

When we speak of a bad boy, we refer to a man who doesn't need to appear to be handsome. There is no apparent need because he already is; he exudes natural masculinity. In addition, a bad boy has an interesting and engaging personality, making women curious to know more about them.
What about the attitude? To be clear, a bad boy does not look for a girl who drives him crazy and makes him swoon—it usually happens the other way around. The girls are the ones who look for him, talk to him, and get to know him.
You must have many male attractions and rugged qualities for this to happen. These are the things that impact a woman and make you irresistible.
What does it mean to be a good boy?
When women refer to a man as a good guy, they mean a typical guy who lives the same as everyone else and has no imagination. When he goes to woo a girl, he does the most cliché things, say the exact phrases, and gives the same gifts. He does what everyone expects, like sending flowers or chocolates, among other things.
These things are nice but boring. When a good guy likes a girl, he doesn't just go for her but places himself on the waiting list with his other rivals. He sits around, waiting for her to one day notice him. That allows her the chance to reject him whenever she feels like it, and this is not ideal; there must be a balance of power.
- The typical good guy is the one who puts the girl he likes on a pedestal.
- He drastically wants to show her that he is a polite man and would do anything for her.
- A good guy usually looks for the girl until he is exhausted, which is incorrect. Sometimes, they are tiring the girl out and pushing her out of reach without realizing it.
So, you can get a clear idea of what it is to be a bad boy and what is the mistake that most men make when they always try to be the good guy.
But you still need to know how to be a bad boy, and I'll explain that better here.
How to be a badass?

Behave like a real man
First and foremost, you must be a man and behave like one. That is the main thing; you must have your own time, dreams, and plans. You don't have to like everything that she wants. Don't be afraid to say no to something just because it pleases her.
You should feel as secure as possible about yourself, your tastes, and your beliefs. That is derived more from being natural and transparent.
Become the center of your world
Remember that you must be happy; everything after you is in the background. So the best thing you can do is make yourself your highest priority.
That is important because everyone will judge you according to how you treat yourself. Therefore, if you give yourself a lot of importance, women will see you as necessary.
Never sacrifice your image or essence when you pursue a romantic interest; it's a big mistake. If the girl is not interested, accept that you tried. If nothing happens, it wasn't meant to be. Let her go.
Stop worrying so much about everything
There is nothing less attractive than a person who is stressed out about absolutely everything. Keep in mind that the true bad boys don't care about the small things. They don't give themselves unnecessary stress and a lousy life for anything. They are always sure to have everything under control.
Stop asking for permission.
If you don't want to be a good guy, you should stop asking for approval for every little thing. A bad boy doesn't wait for a sign of permission to do something before acting, which makes him look decisive and confident. Do what you think is best and be determined; you may be surprised by the results.
Have opinions, make decisions, take the initiative, and have confidence in yourself. That is not bad, don't be anyone's pushover.
Always lead like a man
Lead, and don't wait for someone to tell you what to do or where to go. For example, if you are with a group and they are unable to make a decision, make the decision yourself. Be a natural leader, don't be a blind follower. This way, you take control of your life.
Be honest and transparent
This point is essential, as this is one of the main reasons girls love bad boys. Most girls appreciate the honesty in your intentions, so don't beat around the bush.
Be an independent man
Being independent doesn't mean you don't need anyone else around. A bad boy indeed feels good having other people around him, but they must not feel dependent on them. You have to give yourself happiness. That implies that you should not make your relationship your sole priority or source of joy.
Love and value yourself
You must value yourself, and you must admire and love yourself. The first thing you must remember is that a bad boy is such because he knows his worth. He loves himself, cares about himself, and values himself more than anyone else.
A bad boy is confident that there is no one better than him. Therefore, he doesn't care what others say or think about him. Respect yourself before you seek the respect of others.
You must be emotionally strong
A bad boy is strong physically but much stronger emotionally. That is fundamental to being a bad boy. You must be very resilient, both physically and emotionally. It would be best if you were as firm as a rock. As a man, you must be an unshakeable pillar for your partner, family, and friends.
It would be best if you were a pillar your partner knows that they can trust and address their stress.
Don't worry so much when things don't go as you expect. Instead, try to make things change for the better, not get depressed, and always look for the positive things you can take out of the situation.
Those are the main characteristics you must have if you want to be a bad boy. They are not very difficult, but it will take some time to adapt to your ways.
Next, I will list the best eight ways to become a real bad boy.
How to stop being a good boy?
This list will make you a real bad boy and not need to invest money in that process. Remember, bad boys, appear like that natural. If it doesn't come naturally to you, here are some techniques:
Be self-confident
That, again, is undoubtedly the first step in how to be a bad boy. Self-confidence is one of the essential characteristics of a bad boy. A formidable man has confidence in himself, and with that confidence, he has the power to solve any problem.
This confidence allows them to talk to women and engage in conversation without hesitation or fear.
Have an open mind
That is a must if you want to be a bad boy. By open-minded, I mean to avoid having rigid and preconceived ideas. It would be best to accept things from the ordinary or different from what we are usually taught.
You must not seek to stay only with what you know, and you must constantly learn new things. Still, it would be best to have your analysis and independent conclusions on any subject. That consists of having knowledge that you can share socially and thus be more intriguing.
Be riskier
By being risky, I mean looking at life differently, as if you were the winner of the world's biggest contest. Imagine that you play for Barcelona or Real Madrid and win the championship.
Bet on yourself, on a better future, and don't let fear stop you from doing something.
You must have a penetrating look

You may not believe it, but one of the main characteristics of a bad boy is the way he looks. Therefore, think that you must use your look as if it were a weapon that impacts any woman when you look at her closely.
You may think it's stupid and pointless, but it's not. You have to do a just a few little things to get noticed in seconds:
- When you see the woman coming, walk slowly and look to your sides.
- When closer to you, look from her feet to her face.
- Please don't take your eyes off her until her eyes cross your eyes.
- Never look down. It will take away your confidence.
- Instead, smile as you look into her eyes.
You must have great self-esteem
The truth is that a bad boy must love himself. Love yourself like no one else is around. Have confidence in yourself and what you can achieve; always think that you can succeed. Your self-esteem and love for yourself will give you the security you need when you go to get a girl.
Be always calm and very cautious
Bad guys always tend to have a calm and relaxed personality, looking to get away from crowds. They also look for places where few people are, so they can talk better, think better, or sometimes be alone.
Remember that a bad boy does not seek attention; he does not seek to be noticed. Therefore, it would be best if you had a more serious personality, which generates curiosity from women.
Be a mentally mature guy
Always seek to be a mature man. Remember that being mature is knowing how to make the right decisions and face the problems that inevitably arise. It would be best to accept responsibility for your mistakes when you make them. That is one of the best characteristics, and it begins when you start to take your life seriously.
A bad boy is good in bed and has a very daring look
By this, I mean that you should satisfy a woman well. Try new and pleasant things in bed, know how to explore your girl in every corner, and stimulate her sexually. Do not think only of your pleasure. These actions will hook her forever. You will live in her mind, and you will have no comparison with anyone. Having a bold, unique look is ideal; you should not copy anyone's style. The best thing is to be original and always have a pleasing aroma.
In short, we know that being a bad boy is not mistreating a woman and believing you are worth much more than she is. Being a bad boy is a matter of confidence, attitude, and maturity. Be a responsible man who doesn't care to be noticed.
Finally, you must have a penetrating look, know about many subjects, and be able to talk to a woman without fear. But above all, love yourself and learn how to treat a woman correctly both in bed and out of it.