How to be an aesthetic guy when you're broke

How can I look more aesthetic when you're broke? I'm sure you want to adopt a cooler style, or that you've already heard such a question more than once from others. Having a cool aesthetic is a trend on all social networks. Without a doubt, the aesthetic style is taking over. Here's how to join the wave:
The aesthetic guy should have a fashion style that is pleasing to the eye. This style is often achieved by wearing daring clothes that could have been in vogue decades ago. The aesthetic boy tends to show his sensitive side without shame, while looking very refined and striking.
You may not have a clear understanding of what it means to be an aesthetic man, and you may not even know what this word means. Yet you still want to be one, and you are dying to adopt this style.
In this article, I will explain everything you need to know to be an aesthetic guy. The only thing you need is to follow my advice.
What does the word aesthetic mean?
When we refer to something aesthetic, it is referring to beauty or art. To explain it better, we can say that the word aesthetic has to do with appreciating our environment and its surroundings.
We can also say that crafting an aesthetic environment refers to a set of things or objects, or to the complete setting full of aesthetic beauty that evokes an immense satisfaction.
What is the soft aesthetic?
Without a doubt, the aesthetic is not a singular style; in reality, it could be any style. The aesthetic guy wants to bring out the beautiful side of everything, starting with his clothing and living environment.
Each person can develop their own aesthetic style. The truth is that it's just about finding a look that is pleasing to the eye while highlighting your uniqueness. You can be a vintage style, a grunge style, or whatever else you have in mind.
You can make your pants or a shirt that you love more beautiful. Style thing how you want—maybe choose a print or add some patches—and you will have your aesthetic look.
To be aesthetic can be understood not as a simple way of dressing, but as a lifestyle. The aesthetic boy's objective is to embody the philosophies of the pleasant, the beautiful, and the incredible.
Types of soft aesthetic styles
What are types of aesthetics? There are many ways to be a fashionable and aesthetic guy. You must remember that it is not so difficult. You can embrace whatever style you like most and still be an aesthetic man.
You may not understand it fully right now, but I will explain it to you using several styles as examples.
Art Azada Aesthetic

This is a style that few kids wear, but it’s great if you are looking to stand out and not spending a lot of money. Just like the name says, this aesthetic is based on art. The bright colors on the shirts or flannels are what stand out the most.
In this aesthetic, the most used color is yellow or mustard. I guess sunflowers inspire them. To look more aesthetically pleasing, use more yellow.
Art Azada is a useful aesthetic for people who love art and its bold colors. It also appeals to those people who wear flowers, cacti, fruit and paintings on their clothes.
One outfit option with this style is to wear a jean that is not too tight on the body, a flannel with a good print (with something from nature if possible), and a pair of famous Converse sneakers. This style reflects a more relaxed look and aesthetic.
Vintage Retro Aesthetic

Vintage is one of the more beautiful aesthetics that will never go out of style. Whenever you wear it, you will stand out from the crowd, and you can do it with no expensive clothes.
When we refer to the retro aesthetic, we mean the styles using the trends, music, fashion, and even the attitudes of many years ago. Often, this style is an adaptation of clothing from the years between 1950 and 1990.
In this style, you can find:
- Mom jeans
- Shorts with a high waist
- Converse sneakers
- High stockings with stripes
- Overall jeans (bell type)
- Polka-dotted or striped shirts.
Without a doubt, one of the benefits of acquiring this aesthetic is that it doesn't matter much if the clothes are high fashion or famous brands, nor if they are used or new. You'll still look great.
The most evident benefit of the retro aesthetic style is that you can be sure that, when you enter a party, or a meetup with your friends, there will be no other person like you. You will stand out from everything.
With a vintage retro aesthetic, you will be able to express your personality as you wish. In those eras past, you can find everything from the most relaxed look to the most elegant look.
You may find that women look more at men who adopt retro looks. This style of physical appearance indicates that a man may be more respectful and romantic.
Kawaii Style

Kawaii is a Japanese word. When we translate it into English, we can understand it as beautiful or tender. The kawaii style is a major trend on social networks and worldwide.
However, for men, the equivalent of kawaii is “kakkoii”, meaning an attractive man. The slight difference here is because men always try to look for more masculine looks.
In this style, accessories play a fundamental role; they always define this incredible look. You can use cheap ones, nobody will notice the difference.
If you want to be an aesthetic guy, the kawaii style is one of the best options. By choosing this style, you will be in vogue; all the stylists love it.
To adopt this style, you must know that its base is comprised of pastel colors. Usually, you must choose accessories or Japanese clothes. They should have a bit of a childish air, but still exude masculine essence.
The kawaii aesthetic makes people see the wearers as cute and adorable men.
Aesthetic with a palette style

If you are not one who likes complicated or flashy styles, but still want to be an aesthetic guy, this is the best style for you. With this look, you will undoubtedly hit the mark.
This look is one of the most straightforward styles you can find. The simplicity is what gives the winning touch to this aesthetic. It gives it an exquisite finish.
The colors that characterize this aesthetic are beige and white—in short, pale colors.
Usually, the garments used in this style are sweaters, tennis sneakers, loose flannels, and long pants. This style tends to be very comfortable but, thanks to its colors, it tends to bring a lot of elegance.
We can say then that this is an aesthetic style characterized by minimalism. It is a clean and sober style.
Aesthetic with the steam or Vaporwave wave

The first thing you should know about this style is that the music genre by the same name inspired it. The Vaporwave look is still one of the most famous around the world today.
This style is characterized by how the person externalizes the aesthetic. Vaporwave is a movement to show off the colors and elements that distinguish it.
The truth is, to implement this look you must part with the ordinary things. It would be best if you broke with all the established parameters.
Vaporwave is not only an aesthetic based on the way you dress, but also based on the way you think. It frees you to explore different possibilities.
We can say that this aesthetic includes many of the elements that existed in the 1990s. You can combine these elements with light or neon colors to create a fantastic look.
If you don't like to draw attention to yourself, this is not the best look.
Minimalist style

Minimalism is an aesthetic style based primarily on simplicity. Minimalism is an artistic trend where you use only essential elements. Without a doubt, the key to this beautiful style is to use simple garments.
The garments' appearance must be simple. That is to say, they must not have any prints, nor any phrases or logos. You should also wear clothes that highlight your body very well.
The colors should be smooth and neutral. If you want to spice up the style, pastel colors are allowed. However, you must know how to combine them very well.
In this style, elegance is most important. It would be best if you incorporated many sophisticated garments.
For this look, you can wear suits and straight-cut pants, but you should not wear very gaudy accessories. Look for an accessory that identifies you as a person.
The shoes should also be simple and complete your look, while not attract much attention. Remember that, in this style, less is much more.
With this beautiful style, you will undoubtedly be the aesthetic man you hoping to be. Minimalist looks highlight the beauty in simplicity, and will make you look clean and elegant.
Grunge aesthetic

This style appeared along with a musical genre at the end of the 1980s thanks to groups like Nirvana. Grunge is an aesthetic that is characterized by being a little or maybe very rebellious.
It is also a carefree and very comfortable style, and it is effortless to achieve this look.
Grunge's base primarily includes:
- checked shirts
- denim shirts
- ripped pants
- boots
- long and loose flannels
This look allows you to be as relaxed and comfortable as you want to be.
What most characterizes this aesthetic style are the wide flannels and the cold colors. You can also wear flannels with prints of the groups that pioneered this type of style.
If you want to stand out from the crowd, this is not the style I recommend. Girls don't usually look twice at men who go out in these clothes. However, this is currently one of the looks that singer Camilo adopts in his videos.
Gothic style

The truth is that you can also be an aesthetic man by adopting a gothic style. There is no problem with that. The gothic style is inspired and characterized by dark things.
Goth is a style that was born in the late 1970s. We can say that this aesthetic was born mainly from the influence of the horror movies of that time.
The gothic style is something very unique, and it focuses on:
- the color black
- black suits
- use of leather
In short, everything that highlights the paleness of a person; this style has remained through the decades.
To be an aesthetic guy with this look, you should only wear black clothes and dark accessories representing the gothic culture.
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In summary, we can say that, to be an aesthetic man, you don't need many things. You can adopt an aesthetic with whatever style you already have.
To have this look, you have to choose your clothes well and make yourself unique. If you do not have a particular style, there are many that you can choose from, and that will undoubtedly make you be an aesthetic man in no time. You can change them and see which one you feel most comfortable with.